Saturday Morning Workshops
Workshops are an integral part of Bluegrass Festivals. The aim is to allow beginners and intermediate musicians access to the skills and knowledge of experienced players to get better at playing Bluegrass. We all can benefit from personal access to more experienced musicians. Learn new techniques and tips on how to play. So the workshops are set up for practitioners for that specific instrument.
They will be held on the Saturday morning and will be in either the function room, bars and marquee. They last about 45 mins or so. All times and details will be posted up on Dave's extremely expensive whiteboard in the marquee.
Upon arrival please state if you intend to attend one or more of the workshops in order that we have some idea of numbers for the tutors. The Junction `Bresfest` is honoured to host our experienced tutors for 2022.
Besides being nice people they are very approachable individuals with a wealth of knowledge and technique that they wish to pass on.
Here are your workshop tutors this year
Please note due to unforeseen circumstances Noel Dashwood (Dobro) will be unable to attend and provide tutorship this year. Other arrangements are being sought and updates provided.